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Wednesday, September 07, 2005

Model Engineer

Nikon D70 @ 22mm, 1/100 sec, f/5, ISO 200
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This is one of those shots that my girlfriend would think "why on earth is he taking a picture of that?" :)

But I'm attracted to scenes like this - old, derelict, abandoned - for their hidden beauty. I was quite surprised at how well this turned out when converting to b+w. What do you think?


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I like that. I'm drawn to those kind of buildings aswell. I saw one yesterday on my way home from work that will look good if I can just get it in the right light!

9:01 am, September 07, 2005  
Blogger Keir Wyndham-Ayres said...

Very nice shot John, love the range of tones, what layer did you extract? I love the way the building's in tatters but the "MODEL ENGINEER" sign looks brand new. Not anything I can suggest changing in this shot, keep it up! :D

4:11 pm, September 07, 2005  

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